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Best April Fool’s prank… ever? abril 2, 2008

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Esta muy bien hecho! ❤

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Exposición de .garage. y su inauguración febrero 19, 2008

Posted by amb4r in Del Diseño, uploading.
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El 14 de febrero, en La Voragine Bar en el Centro de Tlalpan, se llevó a cabo la inauguración de la exposición de carteles de Garage. Hubo DJ en vivo, vino, cerveza y mucha gente asistió para ver los carteles expuestos y a platicar y a bailar. Los carteles van a estar expuestos en el bar todo el mes de febrero de 2pm a 2am, de Martes a Domingo. Si estan interesados, sí estan a la venta; algunos ya estan apartados desde la inauguración. Gracias a todos los que fueron!!! Los quieroouu!

Inauguración 14 Febrero de garage! febrero 4, 2008

Posted by amb4r in Del Diseño, uploading.
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El 14 de Febrero, en el Centro de Tlalpan, sobre la calle de Francisco I. Madero #107, garage inaugura trabajos de carteles, apartir de las 7pm.
Vino, buena música y comodidad. No falten. Inviten a mucha banda!


Kinetic waves…starting now diciembre 12, 2007

Posted by amb4r in Del Diseño, uploading.

Sólo quiero juntar algunas ondas. Para mi propia referencia.


My Fear and Loathing for Conservatists diciembre 3, 2007

Posted by amb4r in uploading.
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This is a comment from a user called «Aurvant» who posted on this Blog (assaulting the spire) as a reply to some differing views about the author’s negative opinion on an American Middle School’s ‘Progressive Liberalist’ actions. The author was complaining about the school allowing «students at King Middle School to obtain birth control prescriptions from the school’s health center.» He was in favour of the outraged parents against such a ‘liberalist’ and ‘immoral’ direction that the school was taking. Personally, I’m in favour of promoting safe conducts in the youth and in distributing the tools to go hand in hand with common-sense education (since the parents expect the schools to not only teach their children but to raise them and show them how to behave ‘morally’ since these parents don’t seem to do it themselves or at least to take responsibility for their own children’s mistakes. I mean, I for one only ever got sex education from my middle school at the time since my parents never bothered to explain anything to me and so I’m sure I’m not the only one. Parents should focus more on teaching their own kids in subjects such as those instead of expecting the schools to do all the work; but everyone has an opinion which we should also all respect and listen to the facts on each side.)

The point is (XD) that I can respect the author’s opinion against the ‘progressive liberalist’ direction of the school (even if I think otherwise) but what actually scared me out of the whole slew of comments (both rational and irrational at times but that’s no surprise) was this certain user, «Aurvant«, whos comments, seemingly rational and rhetorical at first, deteriorated into this raving lunatic which, if you read between the lines, he actually spews a totally fascist and totalitarian idea that is in reality a blind and selfish view because instead of actually seeming to care he just doesn’t want to pay any aid programs and would prefer that everyone walk and look in one direction: his direction. So, what scared me was to know that probably many conservatists think this way. I’m sure not all of them are as violent or irrational; there was actually one comment from a woman who claims she’s in favour or abstinence education but that she doesn’t mind this ‘safe’ reaction from the school’s part as long as she knows she raising well her own child at home. That’s admirable. Still. This man represents many who think the same. This is unrestrained proof, at least to me (but I’m sure to many others as well), that such thoughts lead to no good…and they give me the chills. Imagine a country run by this train of thought….oh wait. There are countries run with these frightening train of thoughts.

«…The government will swoop right in and take whatever share out of my paycheck they feel is necessary to support whatever new “save the dumbass kids” program they’ve come up with that week.

Really wanna know what my plan would be? Let em live with their own problems and deal with their own mistakes. Don’t have medical insurance or the money to support the child? Tough! Deal with it the best you possibly can but don’t let them file for government aid so that “I” have to do the providing for them.

Do I think that children should have access to birth control? absolutely not. That just lets the leash travel just a bit farther than it let them before. In fact, I think that birth control should be made only available to married couples or couples who are living with each other.

Then, I propose that all government aid be dropped from supporting all of those ignorant and stupid enough to throw their lives away for 5 minutes of pleasure. That way the deterrence of “fear” would be created and then people might think twice before they go out and whore up the place, or at least the parents will keep a tighter watch on their children and actually punish them for being so retarded.

[…] (y para rematar – XD) […]

Perhaps if the children today were raised with the same understanding of how the world works as I did….well…maybe we wouldn’t need people stepping in and creating “pills for kids” programs.

Aurvant said this on November 24, 2007 at 9:32 pm«

Bleh. diciembre 3, 2007

Posted by amb4r in uploading.
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Esto me ha pasado. Momentos turbios. jaja

Far Away

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some kind of secret i will share with you noviembre 29, 2007

Posted by amb4r in uploading.
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If it’s because I don’t move in the right circles or those circles don’t exist or perhaps clearly exist in other cultures far from this one then the point is that I have felt to be living an isolated, hybrid life. Hybrid because I belong in the digital and pixelated generation of 8 bits and above, overwhelmed by console races, by Intel Pentiums by G4 and G5’s. Of course, not mentioning my life in the virtual reality landscapes such as my participation in epic battles across my TV screens and my alter-ego’s social life in electronic rooms, boards and communities would be a crime.

But there has always been this other side; this intense, intangible, dark and viscous abstraction that has pulled me through star speckled nights and tears of gold collecting inside my wrinkled palm. This absurd and poetic side, in its circles, is generally known for its aversion to such a digital and electronic era. I should know. And I should understand. But there lies such a dilemma. One side is not the other. And I have generally sided with the more present cyberculture. Even so, I could not, and would not, and will not ever deny my black substance which is actually what mostly gives me sense and freedom.

It is this sense…that made someone say he would read my novel when I was just 11. It was this sense that made someone say I would end up on an Italian beach writing despairing poems as I’d watch the sunset. By myself. I was 17. It was this sense… The other complementary features may hide this more sinister side but, whether they knew it or not, it was this ludicrous yet substantial essence that permeates my every being. It sings softly to me during nightmares. It screams in my head when I’m lost inside its storm of madness. I cannot shake it, I cannot destroy it. Destroying it would only destroy me. I should know.

It is thus, that I have not seen one other person haunted by these two sides of the coin, for it is what makes me whole…and so I cannot be separated. It might be the way to my tombstone, I think I have glimpsed the road, once; and it was beautiful. I have dreamed of you, but you might be my Death. Or my Life. I am never sure anymore but I know I can stand many realities at a time within me. It is what has kept me sane, actually. The strange thing about it all is its tinge of melancholy. The broader picture might enlighten me, at the end, that the road was meant to keep me bleeding as my weeping could be its only source of energy.

I was an intergalactic captain, a beatnick writer, a suicidal poet, a knight in shining armour, a grim reaper. I’ve become the fading footfalls of my sadness; I know one way to go and it’s a long journey and I must bleed.

chiste de diseñador octubre 19, 2007

Posted by amb4r in uploading.
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Me da mucha más gracia por ser diseñadora, creo. Y porque yo también lo hago…

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sobre el amor octubre 12, 2007

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Hay mucho que quisiera decir sobre el amor pero aquí sólo pongo una conversación corta, simple y significativa que tenía con un exelente amigo mientras hablabamos sobre el amor.

Anoche entendí que somos el mismo rio < ¿Dónde acechan sus ojos ardientes?> Pasión razonada, razón apasionada. says: (11:14:32 PM)
estoy muy enamorado
Anoche entendí que somos el mismo rio < ¿Dónde acechan sus ojos ardientes?> Pasión razonada, razón apasionada. says: (11:14:40 PM)
hoy pensaba en ella
Anoche entendí que somos el mismo rio < ¿Dónde acechan sus ojos ardientes?> Pasión razonada, razón apasionada. says: (11:14:50 PM)
y por un momento pude dejar de pensar con la cabeza..
Anoche entendí que somos el mismo rio < ¿Dónde acechan sus ojos ardientes?> Pasión razonada, razón apasionada. says: (11:14:57 PM)
y pensé con el estomago..
{Ambar} says: (11:15:22 PM)
si! que cosas….
ah! cuando uno piensa con el estómago…

Anoche entendí que somos el mismo rio < ¿Dónde acechan sus ojos ardientes?> Pasión razonada, razón apasionada. says: (11:15:43 PM)
sentí un movimiento cromatico que me recorria de la punta de la columna hasta la garganta
Anoche entendí que somos el mismo rio < ¿Dónde acechan sus ojos ardientes?> Pasión razonada, razón apasionada. says: (11:15:50 PM)
fué hermoso sentirla así..
Anoche entendí que somos el mismo rio < ¿Dónde acechan sus ojos ardientes?> Pasión razonada, razón apasionada. says: (11:16:03 PM)
ahora sé que tan enamorado estoy..
Anoche entendí que somos el mismo rio < ¿Dónde acechan sus ojos ardientes?> Pasión razonada, razón apasionada. says: (11:16:09 PM)
es precioso esto
{Ambar} says: (11:17:14 PM)
es bello…
es una tormenta….que te destruye en pedacitos y luego recuerdas que esos pedacitos sólo son parte de un espejo que se debe romper de todas maneras…y te vuelves más completo

Anoche entendí que somos el mismo rio < ¿Dónde acechan sus ojos ardientes?> Pasión razonada, razón apasionada. says: (11:17:45 PM)
eso es muy cierto

LEANLO octubre 7, 2007

Posted by amb4r in uploading.

300977193_5f82f00691.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

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